We understand that your canine companion may be very responsive to verbal control and you may choose not to use a leash when you are at home, however we require non-retractable leashes at our office because we know that not all patients enjoy other pets and people.
The office at Ball-Chatham Veterinary Services has been specifically designed to provide a safe, calm and organized environment for all who visit. We have no waiting room and no two patients, from different families, are in the same room or hallway together.
Along with the specific office design, our protocols for entering the building create a safe visit for everyone. We require that all canine patients must be leashed with non-retractable leashes and all feline patients must be in an enclosed carrier of the correct size. If you need a non-retractable leash or appropriate carrier to safely bring your pet into our office, just ask! We are happy to provide you with anything you may need to make your visit to our office an enjoyable one!
We place so much emphasis on your pet being leashed and in an appropriate carrier because your pet is not going to behave the same way in our office as they do at home. Our rural setting provides for a very calm entry to our building without a lot of traffic, however we are surrounded by corn fields. If your pet dashes out of your car or arms, they can easily be lost! While we do our very best to schedule appropriately and keep the office quiet to reduce stress and anxiety, pets still can be unpredictable. Reduce the chances of your pet being lost by making sure they are safely on leash or in a carrier before opening your car door.